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Scott De Long is an author, speaker, educator, and entrepreneur. A lifelong learner with a relentless quest for knowledge, Scott completed an Executive Leadership program at the prestigious Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley at the age of 45. This experience led him to Chapman University where he earned a Master’s Degree in Leadership Development. Recently, he earned his Doctorate, at the age of 60, also from Chapman University, in Education with an emphasis in Leadership Studies from the Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies.

Professionally Scott grew up as an entrepreneur, successfully creating, and then building three previous companies. During this time he recognized that the problems facing entrepreneurial companies experience when they outgrew the ability of the founder to have their hands in everything. His experience in his own companies led to the concepts that eventually became Lead2Goals. Scott has been facilitating retreats for the past nine years for organizations that range from industry associations to business groups, and non-profits to corporations.

Scott’s strengths in leading small group communication allow for him to disarm the greatest of egos, and set up an environment of respect, which in turn leads to the building of trust, and better relationships among team members. His own aspirational goals include greater Humility, Empathy, and Vulnerability.

Scott De Long, Ph.D. speaking
Sarah Mirando is an author, editor, and marketing strategist

Sarah Mirando is an author, editor, and marketing strategist. Sarah began her career at Entrepreneur, which shaped her admiration for and desire to work with entrepreneurs at an early age. She is passionate about helping business owners develop authentic relationships with their customers and employees.

In her free time, Sarah is an ardent wine enthusiast. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Cover of I Thought I Was A Leader Book by Scott De Long, Ph.D.


Leadership is not a mystery.

If that is true, why are there so many dysfunctional organizations? Why do senior executives continue to complain about the younger generation, just as the previous generation complained about them? Why do companies continue to have low employee morale and high turnover?

I Thought I Was A Leader… answers these questions and more by exploring the power of transformational leadership. Scott De Long, Ph.D., shares the theories, practices, and principles that have transformed his life and the lives of countless others whom he has observed through his career as an executive business coach. The stories of these transformational journeys are shared within to serve as guideposts for your own journey through self-reflection and change.

Many of the ideas espoused within are not new. Transformational and other progressive leadership styles have been around for nearly half a century, yet command-and-control leaders still dominate the business world. We learned how to treat people in kindergarten, yet we still struggle with the Golden Rule at work. How do we change that? It is as simple as re-learning how to play in the sandbox. The problem is that to re-learn, we must also unlearn some of the habits and behaviors that are creating barriers to a healthy workplace. In many cases, these same barriers exist in our personal relationships.

This book will challenge you. Good. Without struggle, there is no growth. For many, the biggest challenge will come through embracing the principles of humility, empathy, and vulnerability—three supposedly “soft skills” that have been historically missing from organizational leadership. I Thought I Was A Leader… will demonstrate how critical these skills will be to transforming yourself into a better leader and a better person.

Enjoy the journey.








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